Thursday, January 10, 2008

Feeling pretty darn good

Today I talked with my mother about my need to lose weight. I told her how important it is to me and how I want to encourage her as well. I am glad my mom is so supportive!!!

On another note. My gym buddy and I have truly decided to join MINT. While its not cheap, I am willing to take cuts elsewhere for fitness. All that other stuff won't matter if I can't be healthy and able to do them.

I talked with my "friend" or whatever he is last night about my weight. He is very supportive but is not pushing me. Thank goodness!!! I have been in relationships where guys get on my last nerve about my weight. I don't know why some people think that if you nag someone long enough they will eventually do it. Weight loss is an individual battle and having someone hound you(at least in my opinion) does not help. Be supportive but not pushy. Eventually the vast majority of people.reaches a breaking point where you just decide...this is it! I have to lose weight.

Thought of the day: Support goes a long way.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A New Beginning

Well... I gues I should begin by telling a little about myself. My nam is Shayla and I am obese. Thats right I said obese. I am 5'6.75" and when I got on the scale 2 days ago I was a whopping 269lbs!!!! Thats crazy. Right now Im a 18/20. Even crazier, this is not the largest I have ever been. At my heaviest, I was 305. I had gotten down to 196(size 10) and I want to get back into shape! I have no kids, no hormone thing going on...I just got lazy. I want to get to around 175 and I think that would be a happy weight for me. I don't want to be skinny, just healthy.

My diet(even though I don't like that word) was terrible obviously. I decided to stop eating pork and beef. I also need to make sure i eat at least 3 meals. One of my big problems is portion control. I realized that I cannot eat early in the morining so I am doing a SlimFast shake for breakfast. I have to leave my house at 630am to get to work on time. So far I have yet to feel hungry. I also am going to try to eat a couple healthy snacks(a least 1) during the day.

I have a gym buddy. She's awesome and while she only wants to lose 20lbs, we have lots of other stuff in common and keep eachother going. Right now we are gym shopping because our current program is not really working. Ok, so yesterday we went to MINT gym. It was inviting and the people were friendly. I had an awesome workout and I am feeling sore today. My buddy and I are considering the pricing though. But I guess sometimes you have to pay for convenience and the aura of the place. They even have water with mint leaves in it lol. Not that its a deal breaker if they didnt. We are going to make a decision by Friday.

Anyway, today is going well. I had my shake and will be eating lean cuisine for lunch. I have no time to cook right now so it looks like I will be bring some sort of lean type meal for lunch for a while. Plus they were on sale at the grocery store for 2 bucks a piece.